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Ramadan Qur’anic seals

In a wonderful spiritual scene inside Al-Husseini’s sanctuary, meters away from the holy shrine, the voices of the state visitors mixed with the opening words of the honoring ceremony a group of reciters who participat in the Ramadan Qur’anic seals in 16 Iraqi university, that numbered 23 Qur’anic seals. The President of Al-Zahraa University for Women,Pro.Dr. Zainab Al-Mulla Al-Sultani was honored for her role in holding Quranic activities and events within the university corridors during the holy month. This was within the program of the Qur’anic project in Iraqi universities and institutes, in which it was set up by the Kreem Qur’an Dar of the Holy Hassania Shrine, on Monday corresponding to ( 1/5/2023). It is worth noting that those events that Al-Kreem Al-Qur’an Dar held during the blessed month of Ramadan were based on the directives of the legal guardian of the Holy Hussain Shrine, Sheikh Abd Al-Mahdi Al-Karbalai (May his glory last), which aims primarily to prepare strong generations armed with religion, science and culture.

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