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A teacher from Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women , representing the university in an international conference in Iran

Dr. Wafaa Abbas Sahn, Head of the English Language Department at Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women , participated in the Eighth International Conference held on (14-15/2/2023) in Iran / Ahwaz under the title:
(The Eighth International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Translation, and Literature)
Dr. Wafaa Sahn presented her research paper entitled:
(Prioritizing and Ideological Reflections: A Critical Stylistic Analysis)
It dealt with one of the ways to include ideologies through the structural side of the texts.
It is worth noting that female teachers from the Department of English at Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women participated in this conference electronically with research papers within the axes of the conference. They are (M. Sabrina Abdel-Kadhim Abdel-Reda, M. M. Hind Muhammad Sami, M. M. Nour Ahmed Hamid, M. M. Amani Abdel-Kadhim).

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