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Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance

Welcome to the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance

Word of the head of the department

Psychological counseling and educational guidance is a science concerned with treating psychological, social, educational and behavioral problems that the students suffer from by restoring their psychological system to the level of normality through the care provided to them from all educational, psychological and social aspects by returning their psychological system to the level of normality through the care provided to them from all educational, psychological and social aspects.

Vision of the department

The vision of the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance:
The Department of Psychological Counseling seeks to raise the level of counseling and psychological services provided to the students of Al-Zahraa University in order to fulfill the subjective and humanitarian requirements of the students regarding creativity and excellence.

Objectives of the department

  • Qualifying and preparing the female students of Al-Zahraa University in an integrated professional, educational and psychological way that qualifies them to achieve their ambitions and goals, and are able to bring the desired change in society.
  • Providing specialized psychological, counseling and therapeutic consultations for students and staff at the university alike in the fields of counseling, psychotherapy, academic counseling and career guidance.
  • Providing students with positive attitudes towards psychological, counseling and educational guidance.
  • Raising the awareness of students and increasing their capabilities in facing the pressures of life.
  • Refining the talents of students and developing their abilities for outstanding academic achievement.
  • Taking care of gifted and talented students
  • Helping the students in facing academic pressures.

Activities of the department

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