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Encyclopedia of “fatwas” related to “jihad” are now available on the shelves of the central library at Al-Zahra University for women

Encyclopedia of “fatwas” related to “jihad” are now available on the shelves of the central library at Al-Zahra University for women, with an aim to emphasize upon the importance and significance of studying the lives of the martyrs. Al-Zahra University for women celebrated with pride the copy of the Encyclopedia regarding“fatwas” related to “jihad” , which was accomplished by the Department of Intellectual Affairs at the Hussainiya Holy Shrine. The Administrative Assistant to the President of the University (Prof. Hamid Ibrahim Al-Tamimi), the Scientific Assistant to the President of the University (Prof. Dr. Zuhair Muhammad Ali), and the Director of the Central Library Department (Sit Hanan Farouk).
The university president expressed her sincere gratitude for this initiative, and further laid emphasis on the importance of it calling it a blessing to have texts that represent the heroic lives of the martyrs also stating that it shall act as a source of inspiration for the young minds.

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