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The conduct of the examinations of College of Education at Al-Zahraa University for Women

Final examination of College of Education/Al-Zahraa University for Women for the academic year (2022/2023) started. In this regard, we met the Dean of College of Education:Prof.Dr. Ieeman Sameer Bahia who said : I held a meeting with the heads of the departments ensuring all examinations ministerial instructions and controls . She also emphzised on the necessary of adhering it in addition to prepare examination halls, a comfortable examination atmosphere and prepare systems and exam programs.

Also, another meeting was held with all the college professors to remind them of their examination regulations about their observations and correction of the examination papers and the conditions for setting the questions.

Regarding our question about the mechanism for dealing with the problems of the examination committee, the dean answered: I held meetings with the different scientific departments to remind them of the instructions and regulations of the examinations, such as the method of answering in the examination notebooks , the mechanism for dealing with any emergency situation for the female student during their examinations and the need to bring the student’s ID to the examination hall and remain calm.

In conclusion, Dr. Iman directed the necessity of adhering to the rules and procedures that would make the final exams a success.

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