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Visit of the delegation of the Iranian Al-Zahra University in Qom to its Iraqi counterpart

A solid cultural cooperation, and aspirations for Muslim women titles for the visit of the delegation of the Iranian Al-Zahra University in Qom to its Iraqi counterpart.
A delegation from Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for women in the holy Qom discussed the frameworks for activating a solid joint cooperation with the president of the university of Al Zahra in karbala (Prof. Dr. Zainab Abdul-Hussein Al-Mulla Al-Sultani), the discussion was made during a tour conducted by the delegation to a number of Iraqi universities in the central Euphrates provinces.
The meeting focused on the importance of supporting women’s empowerment initiatives and developing their knowledge capabilities according to a sound and focused Islamic perspective. The two parties agreed to strengthen joint cooperation and exchange experiences in preparation for the conclusion of an official memorandum of agreement and coopertion between the two sides.

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