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A student delegation from the College of Architecture organizes a scientific trip to Al-Zahraa University for Women.

In pursuit of scientific integration and activating communication between the institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and other sectors represented by departments of a practical and applied nature, Al-Zahraa University for Women received a student delegation from the College of Engineering/Department of Architecture at Karbala University, on Monday corresponding to 3/20/2023.
The delegation was represented by a group of teachers and a group of students. They were accompanied on their scientific trip by the head of the Department of Construction and Projects at Al-Zahraa University, the engineer: Sarah Hashim Muhammad. They made a field tour among the university’s corridors, its classrooms, the restaurant and the central library as well as the hall of Umm Abeha . The discussion took place About the architectural designs of Al-Zahraa University, which benefit students’ projects, especially those related to the applied side.

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