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Application of Iraqi standards for laboratories quality: A workshop held by the Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance.

The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at Al-Zahraa University (peace be upon her) for Women, in cooperation with the Department of Continuing Education, held a training workshop entitled: “Application of Iraqi Standards for Laboratory Quality”, presented by the Quality Systems Consultant: Prof. Dr. Majed Ahmed Ali, for three days, starting from 18/3/2023 until 20/3/2023, in the hall of the English Language Department.
The workshop was attended by members of the Laboratory Quality Liaison, officials and supervisors, as well as workers in the university laboratories.
The workshop aims to know the purpose of the experiments given in the laboratory, which is to give correct and accurate results. This is through the application of the quality system, where it is based on evaluating the validity of laboratory results in accordance with the international specifications of ISO. The laboratories also work to provide the general requirements for efficiency, and are concerned with continuous follow-up of the performance of the laboratories and their quality .

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