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“The College of Health and Medical Technologies/Department of Anesthesiology holds a specialized training course concerning the instructions for examination committees.”

The College of Health and Medical Technologies / Department of Anesthesiology held a training course for teaching staff entitled Instructions for Examination Committees, presented by the respective faculty members of the department Asst.Dr Nadia Nayef Hussain,Asst. Dr.. Farah Abbas and Dr. Sadiq Al-Murshidi. The course aimed at addressing the best test methods that measure the level of the learner’s acquisition of information and skills for the subject that he has previously acquired through a set of tests (examinations). Further the course was also a medium for addressing the work of the examination committees that have the responsibility to work diligently in the period preceding the examinations in order to achieve optimisation in every aspect making it easier for students to perform exams in an organized manner; this may involve starting with making exam schedules, arranging examination halls, distributing questions and all forms related to the work of the examination committee, correction and uploading the final grades, and announcing results.

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