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The first international forum for women in academics in “Arbaeen”

The first international forum for women in academics in “Arbaeen”
“The First International Academic Forum of Al-Zahra University for the Husseini Camp”
of women’s academies
Hosted during (10-20 Safar 1444 AH).
#Location (old city center)
#conference themes
Conference topics:
1_ The Hussainiya Service Axis (Honorary Service)
2_ The axis of the medical service and the provision of first aid within the medical detachments of the Holy Husseiniya Shrine.
3_ The guiding axis, which is represented by religious awareness and psychological counseling for female visitors.
4_ The research and media axis represented by holding a number of research workshops on women and Arbaeen along with coordinating with the media, including women journalists, to promote the concept of women’s academic participation in the service.

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