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What are the university departments?

Department of Pharmacy average percentage required = 80, annual installment =7,500,000
Radiology and Ultrasound Department, minimum required percentage=70, annual installment =3,500,000
Department of Physiotherapy Minimum average percentage required= 70, annual fee installment=2,000,000
Department of Anesthesia, Minimum average percentage required= 70, annual fee installment=3,750,000
English Department of Education (different averages required for different subjects) annual fee= 2,000,000
Department of Education Arabic Language (different averages required for different subjects) annual fee installment =1,250,000
Department of Mathematics (different averages required for different subjects) annual installment fee=1,750,000
We do not have any branches.
Central branch located at: Karbala Baghdad Road
Optimum facility of internal departments (hostel /dormitory facility) for all the governorates of Iraq is available within the university premises.
All the laboratories are equipped with the latest and highly advanced scientific and laboratory equipment.
Contact us:
Registration Department: +964 780 002 9902
For inquiries Telegram:

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