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The University staff

Among our goals we strive to achieve:
Achieving scientific excellence to meet the research needs of the state in accordance with the standards of academic and institutional accreditation.
Advance the scientific reality through the rehabilitation and development of educational outputs by following the latest scientific programs and cognitive methods in teaching techniques.
Working on developing the university’s academic staff through training and research participation, by opening up prospects for cooperation with educational institutions at the local, regional and global levels.
Consolidating moral and religious values among university staff and students by activating the role of guidance and direction, as well as developing cognitive, scientific and practical capabilities.
Enhancing the scientific position of the university among the academic and scientific community by developing the educational system with its three components (teaching, curriculum, student) in order to achieve the university’s ultimate vision and mission.

Address/ Karbala : Baghdad Road near Al-Sabtain Autism Academy
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