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The visit of the President of Al-Zahra University to the University of Baghdad advanced mutual academic partnerships between colleges of the two universities

During the visit of the President of Al-Zahra University, peace be upon her, (Prof. Dr. Zainab Abdul-Hussein Al-Mulla Al-Sultani) to the University of Baghdad, she specifically visited the College of Science for Girls and college of Education, during which she discussed the possibility of scientific and academic partnership with the concerned universities.
The university tour in the capital began with a visit to the College of Science and a meeting with the Dean of the College (Dr. Samira Naji), the scientific assistant, and a number of women heads from respective departments, where they discussed the development of educational guidance programs to prepare model students, enhance self-confidence and develop common visions for the purpose of providing opportunities for potential female students with attractive mechanisms for submission On girls’ colleges, while strengthening media network between the two respective universities.
The official tour concluded with a meeting with the Dean of the College of Education for Girls (Dr. Ishaq Saleh Al-Akkam) and the discussion was about the importance of activating cooperation and coordination with an advanced level of scientific and academic representation between the counterpart and setting up joint cooperation between the concerned departments of the two universities.
It is noteworthy that the University of Baghdad is the largest Iraqi university, located in the center of the capital. It was founded and built by the Iraqi government in the late fifties. It’s the mother university to various public and private universities in several different academic and scientific aspects.

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