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Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women receives the ministerial digital maturity level measurement committee.

The Committee for Measuring the Digital Maturity Level affiliated to Ministry of Higher Education visited Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women, and they were received by the Vice President for Scientific Affairs: Prof. Zuhair Muhammad Jadoua and Director of the Electronic Calculator Department: Dr. Muhammad Fayez Abu Al-Maali.
They discuss the strategy of digital transformation of Iraqi universities, the preparations of Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for Women and the computer department, in addition to the website, in terms of components, servers, Internet subscription, and the university’s infrastructure, as well as the implemented software, the proposed work plan, and giving of administrative orders and required documents, which clarify the university’s work. The committee will continuously contact with Al-Zahra University in order to assess the reality of the situation and implementation.
It is worth noting that the committee’s plan is requested by the Ministry of Higher Education in order to ensure the efficiency of Iraqi universities and their readiness for digital transformation and the use of technology in the universities and by their teaching staff.

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